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Thursday, July 4, 2024

An American Duck

Ben Franklin famously (if apophrycally) suggested that the wild turkey would be a better fit for a national bird than the bald eagle.  The AZA's Anseriformes (Waterfowl) TAG has countered with its own proposal - the North American ruddy duck.  It would make sense - it's an American native, found over much of the country.  It's a very plucky bird which can be fearless when defending itself and its young.  And a male in breeding plumage is red, white, and blue.

(Less favorably, it's an invasive species outside of its range, having conquered parts of the globe.  Make what you will of that.  The male's penis is also frighteningly large in comparison to its body, so make what you will of that too).

Anyway, Happy Fourth of July. 

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