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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Banksy Woz Here

Recently, staff at the London Zoo came in to work to find an unexpected surprise... which isn't an unusual occurrence when you work at a zoo, but at least this was a good one.  One of their entrances had been "visited" overnight by famed graffiti artist "Banksy," who depicted a gorilla lifting up one of the metal garage-style doors and letting animals out into the park.  

Nor is this the first time Banksy was graced the London Zoo.  A previous painting in the penguin exhibit informed keepers that the birds were tired of fish (that one I actually have a little problem with - we have to go through a pretty exhausting process to make sure that paints used in animal areas are safe for the critters, so I'd have just as soon not had a random guy come in and spray whatever he likes.  The front gate is considerably less objectionable).

The Zoo has since removed the gate in question while they figure out what to do with the painting.  It is one of several recent animal-themed artworks that the mysterious Banksy has graced the London landscape with recently.  It remains to be seen what will ultimately happen with the mural.

Photo Credit: Leon Neal/Getty Images

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