Of course, not everyone is going to have a storybook holiday next Thursday, with chocolates and roses and dinner by candlelight. For some people, Valentine's Day will be spent alone, possibly getting over a recent bad breakup.
If that is your case, then don't you worry - the Hemsley Conservation Centre in England has just the thing to brighten your mood. You can adopt and name a zoo animal in honor of your special ex-someone. Sweet, huh?
Did I mention that the animal in question is a Madagascar hissing cockroach? Follow the link below to get in on this exciting offer to immortalize your ex in all their roachy glory.

EDIT: Well, it looks El Paso Zoo saw these guys their cockroach naming and raised them a crunchy death by mongoose...
El Paso Zoo will name a cockroach after your ex and feed it to their meerkats
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