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Monday, June 1, 2020

Fake News at the Zoo

Well, I kept on hoping for a day when the top news story wouldn't be Coronavirus... just goes to show that you should be careful what you wish for.

Unrest continue to unfold across the country in many major cities, with some protests over the death of George Floyd evolving into riots.  It's a scary situation for a lot of people, but thankfully, there are always a bunch of idiots who are determined to find ways to make things worse.  One way that they are doing this is by spreading rumors and sowing panic.  One obnoxious trend that we're seeing is pranksters spreading rumors that protesters have broken into zoos and released the animals, which are now running amok.

None of these rumors are true.  They rely on photos from elsewhere, or photoshopped.  Some have no basis in reality with the actual zoo - pictures from Chicago show tigers and Nile hippos running the street, alledgedly released from the Lincoln Park Zoo - which has neither of those species.

Keepers, already slogging their way to work through the pandemic, also have to go to work through the ensuing chaos.  I hope that they - and, well, everybody, really - makes it through this safely.

What's sad is that some people refuse to believe that this is false, even after the zoos confirm that all animals are present and safe.

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