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Sunday, September 22, 2013

World Rhino Day

Today has been designated as World Rhino Day, meant to celebrate the world's five rhino species, and call attention to efforts being made to save them from extinction.  Rhinoceroses are some of the most majestic, powerful, and unique mega-vertebrates left on earth, and its a tremendous crime that all five species have become so threatened.  A multi-prong approach is needed to secure the future of these species.  Fortunately, there are ways to help
  • Protect Rhino Habitat Around the World: Big animals need big living spaces, and rhinos are threatened with habitat loss.  Zookeepers around the world are active fundraisers for rhinos, collecting monies that are used to expand and protect rhino habitat in Africa and Asia.  These protected areas shelter not only rhinos, but also all of the species that share their habitats.  Learn more about Bowling for Rhinos
  • Support Zoo Based Rhino Conservation: Accredited zoos around the world are working to create captive-bred "insurance colonies" of white, black, and Indian rhinoceros.  They also conduct important research on behavior and biology (especially reproductive) of rhinos.  While Sumatran rhinos are barely represented in zoo collections - and Javan rhinos not at all - zoos can still educate visitors about the plights of these endangered species.  If we support accredited zoos, we support the good work that they do.
  • Battling Poaching of Rhinos: "Protected areas" are only protected if they are free of poachers.  Reintroduction and relocation programs won't work if newly released rhinos are gunned down by poachers.  The only way to save rhinos is to make the wild a safe place for them.  This means stopping the trade in their horns.  Government officials around the world give lip service to the conservation of rhinos and other endangered species, but need to make it a priority.  The US, China, Vietnam, South Africa, and other nations need work together to end the demand and stop the trade.  We in turn need to put pressure on our elected officials.
Alright, so there's the plan... let's get out and do something!

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