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Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Hardest Part

The past few months have not been kind to the staff of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.  What was supposed to have been one of the most joyous experiences possible - the birth of two baby giraffes and a baby Asian elephant - has instead turned to tragedy as all three of the newborns - and one of the mother giraffes - have died.  So far, there appears to be no link between the giraffes and elephant (one of the baby giraffes was born via a Cesarean, an inherently risky procedure with giraffes, that tragically proved fatal for mother and calf).

There's seldom any good explanation for why things like this happen, and it can be easy for the caretakers of these animals to feel the heavy burden.  Thankfully, the community is rallying to the support of the graving staff, sharing their appreciation for the work that they do and helping them through their losses.

Heartfelt condolences to the giraffe and elephant caretakers at Columbus.  Hopefully 2019 is a better year.

Rest in Peace

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