“We’re keeping a tally of everything we’ve observed,” [project manager Charmaine] Dahlenburg says. “So, so far we’re up to about 19 species and hundreds of fish and shrimp and crabs that we’re finding in here.”
Habitat loss and degradation is the leading threat to wildlife around the world. That being said, it is remarkable how resilient many species can be, if given the chance. Zoos and aquariums have done a lot to raise awareness and funds for habitats around the world. It's always great to see an institution doing something to support wildlife in its own backyard (literally, in this case). Congratulations to the National Aquarium for their innovative work in Baltimore's Inner Harbor! Getting city residents to understand that their harbor is already home to a variety of aquatic creatures is the first step in getting their support to protect and improve it.

Photo credit: John Domen / All News 99.1
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